Sunday, November 26, 2006

The REAL reason...

...why Kevin encouraged me to get a cell phone:

So he could call me as I'm walking out the door from work (literally -- Lisa was checking my bag and she goes, "you're vibrating," and he was calling me) and ask me to stop at the store for a few things for dinner.

I, being a sweet and dutiful girlfriend (he read this over my shoulder and laughed), naturally rushed right to the store and got them (ahem, there's a Kroger store in the same shopping center). What was on the list, you ask? Basmati rice, a small container of plain yogurt, and a jar of minced garlic. He picked up a couple jars of Biriyani sauce, so he's making that and he needed the rest of the ingredients. I hope it's tasty!

By the way -- the party last night was a lot of fun, and it was good to have everyone finally meet each other. Lord knows I talk (bitch) about work enough when I'm not there, and it'll be nice to have my friends know who I'm talking about when I tell them what ridiculous thing Kevin has done. Just kidding! He's not ridiculous *all* the time..... :)

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