Sunday, January 21, 2007

Best boyfriend ever? Absolutely!

It's been kind of a cold and snowy day here in Northwest Ohio -- snowy enough that there's been accumulation on cars and roads and sidewalks and such. Well, my boyfriend is SO AWESOME that when he went outside to salt his steps, he cleared off my car for me!

And, when I was ready to leave a few hours later, he not only helped me take my stuff out to the car, but he started it, cleared it off, AND backed it into his driveway so that I had to walk just a few steps in the cold.

There is no girl luckier than I am! :)


Anonymous said...

get married & that will change :)
i do the opposite sort of...

Anonymous said...

AH, sound slike he's a keeper! Mine went out yesterday after the snow stopped out here in Iowa and cleared our parking spaces:) ~Pamela

Anonymous said...

so is that my brother you are talking about??? awkward if it's someone bad!!