Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Back from vacation!

And let me just say that I had a fantastic time!

I tried to keep a mental list of observations throughout the week, but I've forgotten all of them! Guess the beach and boozin will do that to a person, heheh.

Really, though, I didn't do THAT much boozing. Just a bit, and that was at and after the wedding. (Coke + blackberry brandy? Mmmm!)

I got to meet a lot of Kevin's work and track buddies last week. Very nice, decent folks. I'd very willingly go back to North Carolina.

Which is exactly what Kevin wants to hear, as he would LOVE to move back to Raleigh. All he needs is an excuse.

And as I am still pretty exhausted from our journey, I'm going to wrap this up and try to remember my observations some other day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

before you go...you'd better get
your tail down to spfld w/the other
half in tow for approval :)