Friday, August 27, 2004


Today is Friday! Just one-point-five hours until I can go home and then it is the weekend!

My project for the past couple of days has been to re-do one of the photo displays in the hallway. I had to look through all of the pictures and find some good ones from the past year or so, and then arrange them artfully in the frame and put it back on the wall. A simple undertaking, yes, unless ALL OF THE PICTURES ARE FROM ONE SCHOOL! And yes, I exaggerate. Slightly. It was a struggle not to fill the frame with pictures of one or two programs. But, I completed the mission and my project is now hanging delightfully in the hallway. Monday I get to work on another display using pictures from the photography workshop we had with the last group of students. Joy!!

My own personal project for the day was to find some Harry Potter cross-stitch patterns. Specifically, one of the Sirius Black 'Wanted' poster from the movie. To my dismay, there are no HP patterns on-line (although I found lots of Mario patterns -- what's with the comeback? And where is Luigi?!). But I downloaded a trial program that creates patterns from images and made it myself! It is going to be a massive undertaking, but I am up to the challenge. Besides, what else have I got to do in this town where everything closes at six??

Tomorrow I am going to Berlin with the excursion group. The plan includes a walking tour around part of the city with one Frau Helmis -- the same woman who lead our tour when I was here in 2002! I am looking forward to hearing about the 'Berliner Doooooom.' I am also (seriously) looking forward to going to one of the museums that is hosting an exhibit of works by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, a group of painters popular during the Victorian Era that I learned about with Dr. Inboden last year. So that should be fun.

That is it from the Land of Witt! Coming Monday: details of the exhibit!

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