Friday, September 16, 2005

These are broken. Mine are broken!

Did I break my blog? I can't seem to get it to load anymore, which is a problem because all of my links currently reside on my blog and I don't know some of my URLs offhand. Grr. If any of you can see this, help!

Edit: Turns out I didn't completely publish last night, or something. So not only could I not see my blog, but no one else could, either. Sorry bout that!


Anonymous said...

It wasn't working last night, but it loaded today. :) -C

Anonymous said...

Yea, I had the same problem...couldn't get it to load last night, but all seems fine now! saw the blip about a possuible job, good luck (I'll kep my fingers crossed as I'm kind of partial to Cincy!) ~Pamela

Maria said...

Agh! Pretty Woman!

It's so sad... I'm still so good at movie quotes...