Sunday, December 10, 2006

I think I'm getting sick :( My head hurts and I'm all flushed and I am completely exhausted. I'm actually headed to bed as soon as I finish this post and call Kevin to see that he made it to D.C. in one piece. He'll be at the conference center bar, though, so the call shouldn't last too long.

I went to Corey's hockey game this morning, did a wee bit of Christmas shopping, worked for a good 5.5 hours, and then went to see the end of Corey and Casey's soccer game, which made it a busier day than most have been lately. I'm hoping that it's just the stress of working two jobs during the holiday season that's wearing me down and that I'm not actually getting sick.

Three more workin' days til vacation!! Wednesday night cannot come soon enough!

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