Saturday, November 29, 2008


Today I wrapped all of the Christmas presents I have purchased. I also bought the last two things I'm getting for Kevin and I decided on gifts for a few more people. I've also got my two white elephant gifts wrapped and ready to go. My goal to be completely finished was December 1, and while I don't think I'll be quite done, I'll be much closer than I have been in years past! Yay! Talk about a satisfying day!

Also, we're having Thanksgiving II today with Janna and Tony. I've already made dessert (diet pop cake -- I'll post back with a review!), the stuffing is ready to go in the oven, and the potatoes are peeled. The only thing we've really got to do is get the turkey breast ready to go in the oven. I can't wait! The one problem with having Thanksgiving somewhere else is the fact that there aren't any leftovers. Turkey sandwiches for lunch tomorrow -- YAY!

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