Monday, November 22, 2010

Hurts So Good

I'm trying to get back into the swing of going to the gym. I have been very lax at going consistently for the past few months, even though I feel so much better after I go. And I was starting to see results, even though I had lost literally zero pounds. My clothes fit better, I saw some definition and toning, and then I stopped because of vacation and because I hated coming home when it was 82 degrees inside the house and I was already so sweaty.

So my goal is to go three times a week til the end of the year, then bump it up to four. When I joined my gym, I went that often. I brought my gym clothes to work and didn't even come home before I worked out because really, if it's dark when you leave work, what's another hour til you get home, right?

One problem I have is that I don't have much good workout music. Keep me motivated, people! Help a girl out and give her some great song suggestions! My workouts will thank you!

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